      Uncovered is an online magazine that offers informative, concise, and entertaining insights to the many small towns scattered throughout the United States. Our country is a conglomeration of the unique, small towns that maintain attributes such as hospitality, service, love, diversity, artistry, etc. These distinctions make up the exclusive aspects of America. For our first issue, we have focused on Rexburg, a town located in southeastern Idaho, just between the Grand Tetons on the East and the Snake River and the Menan Buttes on the West. This growing city has developed a number of establishments—Brigham Young University-Idaho, a myriad of parks, and many local businesses—which not only provide the city with its own degree of self-sufficiency, but also offer its people a feeling of hospitality and warmth. We believe that by highlighting small towns such as Rexburg in an unconventional way—exposing the unknown—a sense of wonder and desire will be stirred within the reader to explore the world around them and find the hidden treasures that exist in the everyday.